Saturday, December 09, 2006

Sock Drawer Almost Full!

I learned how to make socks years ago. I didn't get too excited about them at the time. In fact I don't remember the first socks I made! A few years ago, I caught sock fever. All I wanted to knit was socks!!! socks on double points, on two circs, on the magic loop toe up, cuff down, one heel after another, one toe after another.Then collecting as much sock yarn as possible. You get the picture! My goal then was to be able to wear handmade socks whenever I wanted, to get a full weeks worth, then to have a full color range. The more I make for myself the fewer I want to give away! My Queen Kahuna sock book is inscribed "may your sock drawer be overflowing" in a few more pairs I'll be there! This is my drawer now, it's always missing a few with the wear and then wash cycle! Pretty soon I'll need another drawer. Well, I guess I can do with less underwear! Now if I knitted up all the sock yarn I have, I could have an entire dresser FULLL!!!

P.S. Caroline is doing fine, still very puffy from the allergic reaction to medication and still in pain. I tried calling it discomfort and was certainly corrected!


sheep#100 said...

I am so proud of you! I want my sock drawer to be like yours when it grows up!

Heather said...

gorgeous drawer! sox are why i decided to learn to knit 2 yrs ago. i want a drawer like that one day!

Anonymous said...

That sock drawer just looks like an invitation to plunge your bare feet in and wildly wiggle your toes.

However being 99% Hillbilly (go figure since I was born in Wyoming), I run around the house in my bare feet most of the time.